Friday, December 30, 2011

A levels dream

Yesterday I dreamed that I have Prelims to prepare for. The other night, I dreamed that I was still in JC and that I had to take the A levels in one month's time. It was almost nightmarish. I was never so relieved to wake up and realise that it is already 2011 and I have already been through JC and A levels before.

I wonder whether the dreams mean anything. Maybe I have regrets. But...I don't. I mean yeah I feel like I have wasted my time in JC but so be it. It's either I took the JC route or the poly route and at that time, I wasn't really keen on any of the courses in poly so I went the JC route. Turned out that I wasn't cut out to be in JC and then after that, I still ended up in poly.

The only thing that I wish I have done back then was to change my subject combination or to have the balls to transfer to another JC that offered the subject combination that I wanted. Ah, but bygones will be bygones.

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